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Our Strategy

TSPT Strategic Plan 

In September 2024, the TSPT Board unveiled the Trust's Strategic Plan, setting out the educational and business objectives for the next three years. As a Multi Academy Trust, our strategic aims are deeply rooted in our vision and values. The 2024-2027 Strategic Plan outlines the goals and targets for TSPT, providing the public, parents, and all stakeholders with confidence in our direction.

The Strategic Plan:

  • Articulates the Trust’s vision for the next three years.
  • Expands on our strategic objectives to guide our development and success.
  • Defines key goals and performance metrics to measure the success of the Trust and its individual schools.

Builds on the successes already achieved by our schools.

Supporting the Strategic Plan are an Operational Development Plan, financial budget forecasts, educational improvement plans at both individual and Trust levels, and talent and workforce plans. These plans will be rigorously monitored and audited throughout the year by dedicated committees of trustees.