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Leadership & Governance

The Spring Partnership Board of Trustees is the Trust’s decision-making body.  It is responsible for setting the Trust’s strategic direction and for ensuring that the financial management of the Trust meets all the legal requirements.  It is responsible for developing and agreeing Trust’s policies, the appointment of senior staff, setting budgets, approving the curriculum and reviewing Safeguarding monitoring.  The Trustees hold the Executive Team to account for the management and leadership of the member schools and the outcomes of every pupil. 

The Board of Trustees oversees the Finance and Resources Committee (FARCO), which is responsible for the finances and resources of all the schools in the Trust, and the Achievement and Curriculum Committee (ACC) which monitors the progress and attainment of all pupils. 

Each school within the Trust has a Local Advisory Council (LAC) made up of representatives from the school community, including parents, staff, and the local community.  Whilst the LACs do not have legal responsibilities, they are a crucial channel of communication between their headteacher and the wider school community and support their setting in specific initiatives and areas connected to the school improvement plan.

If you are interested in finding out more about being involved in local governance, or would like to apply to join one of our LACs, please open the form below (saved as both a PDF and a Word file).  We look forward to hearing from you.